Coaching CEOs and Execs On Achieving Greatness Consciously

Are you a leader of a fast-growing organization?

Do you feel like you could be achieving more?

You know you have a big vision to accomplish, but you're stuck, reactive, or feeling burnt out.

You are at a new stage of your business and leadership. And you're not sure what the next few steps are.

Sabrina Wang has been the trusted coach for dozens of CEOs from seed to Unicorn companies. She is on speed dial recommended lists by top-tier VCs and investors. She prides herself in running a primarily referral-based practice, where clients feel like their work is so impactful that they constantly send over their other founder friends.

Some example outcomes are: raising the next round, parting from a toxic cofounder while maintaining company momentum, saving a marriage from divorce, gaining back performance after the death of a family member, the highest level of retention and employee satisfaction, etc. The list goes on.
Coaching CEOs or C-suite at:

For CEOs, founders, and execs...

You feel like your team isn't achieving great results.

You want to inspire greatness in them. You know you have it in you, but sometimes you doubt yourself.

You are too caught up in the day to day to think strategically.

You have a gut sense that some team members need to be let go, but you drag your feet in making it happen.

You beat yourself up over mistakes and move over wins quickly.

Friends and family are telling you that you're not present, and you want to be around.

You're in the right place if you're looking to...

  • Become a great leader in your own authentic way and inspire your team to step up
  • Define what it looks like to do your life’s best work and actually make it happen
  • Be direct and compassionate in difficult conversations or difficult relationships
  • Show up in your personal life for your health and your relationships. You don't have to sacrifice everything else for business.
  • Identify your Zone of Genius and perform at your highest level with joy, flow, and ease
  • Create a high-performing leadership team that champions delivery and enjoys working with each other
  • Set up operational tactics that are custom-designed to fit your company’s culture

Get in touch

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Client Testimonials

About Sabrina Wang

Sabrina is the CEO of Evergrowth Coaching for extraordinary leaders of Series A to Unicorn companies. She has quickly grown Evergrowth to over $500K ARR in sales in under 6 months of conception. Evergrowth partners with CEOs, founders, and C-suite execs of best-in-class tech companies. Her clients include CEOs and co-founders of Wayflyer, Synchron, Opswerks, Code States,, Tribe, RevenueCat, and more. Sabrina has also coached partners of YC Continuity, General Catalyst, Left Lane Capital, and Innovation Endeavors.

Before starting Evergrowth, Sabrina was the Head of Coaching at Mochary Method, started by Matt Mochary (top CEO coach for Reddit, OpenAI, Coinbase....). She hired, trained, and managed a team that sold 0 to 3m ARR in under a year. Sabrina is well-versed in the engineering, product, and design side of building a tech company. At Headspace for Work, she worked in product management building B2B SaaS products that reached 1 million users.

Sabrina is driven by her mission to help people achieve high performance and find greater impact. Her coaching is heavily influenced by her mindfulness meditation journey, studying Reiki, energy work, and other spiritual modalities.

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